
Vba internet explorer document
Vba internet explorer document

vba internet explorer document

Also feel free to add any insight you may have as to why adobe made it so difficult to work with PDF files programatically. I need to know if there is a work around where I can om internet explorer.with the adobe reader plugin.no adobe acrobat installed.silently with no prompt. It is my understanding that the "do not prompt user" part of the code is not functioning due to the adobe reader plugin being used.

If UCase (sh.Cells (i, 4 )) <> 'ERROR' Then 'Try to download and save the file.

If Len (FilePath) > 255 Then sh.Cells (i, 4) 'ERROR' CountErrors CountErrors + 1 End If 'If the file path is valid, save the file into the selected folder. Not only does this brief pause screw up the rest of my code (which I could code a work around to fix the timing, but I'd rather not), it is also inconvenient for the user to have to verify each print job. This following code checks for the existing IE window and found it will go with the specific window. FilePath DownloadFolder & FilePath 'Check if the file path exceeds the maximum allowable characters. IE.ExecWB OLECMDID_PRINT, OLECMDEXECOPT_DONTPROMPTUS ERīoth lines succeed in launching the printer dialogue box prompting the user to click "OK" to finish printing. I have made some changes with your code, and I have tested on my machine, so you can refer to like below: Function FuncGetHTMLFile(URL As String, Optional StatusBarLoadMsg As Variant) As HTMLDocument 'Function to get the html file ' Dim ie As InternetExplorer ' Set ie New InternetExplorer ' ie.Visible False ' ' 'Gets the browser to the url.

vba internet explorer document

also tried the below (i believe is same as above though). Everything thing works fine until I issue the following print command: I am able to open a PDF document in internet explorer.

vba internet explorer document

My problem is printing through Excel VBA.

Vba internet explorer document